The Blind Men

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When she hurts,
They close their eyes
And pretend to be – the blind men,
She is in pain,
Can’t you see?
What happened to you, my kind men?

They cajole her often
To their command,
“Tired are you? Sleep-tight men!
Need some food?”
Maybe all the time,
Isn’t that right, famished men?

She is cooking for you
And your dozen friends,
It is already not alright men,
She refuses to believe
In petty complaints,
She is busy clicking her heels, men.

She was just back
From work again,
Now now, let her relax then!
Why should she
Go to work again,
Doesn’t she need your caring, men?

She lays her cards,
While you choose to play
On and on with her life, men?
Is it all just a
Game to you?
When did you lose your shame, men?

She broke her finger,
While you pointed one
At a corner of your dirty pen,
Cleaning was,
Never her job,
Aren’t you all filthy men?

No bandage around
For my women,
Don’t they bleed enough when
No ointment heals,
The pain she feels?
Why do you remain so mean men?

Her back hurts
From stooping so low,
Why should she bow down then?
Has the power to stand
On her two feet,
Doesn’t need your pride, men.

If she wants to walk,
Can she not, out the door?
You cannot be her handle men,
If she is still there,
It is probably love,
Why are you so blind, men?

Take her out for a treat,
Not for granted,
Is she not your sunshine, men?
Work with her,
Women have suffered for long,
It is finally their time men.

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