Our Daily Graph

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I have heard this probably a thousand times from people, cursing the weather, the traffic, the situation they are in, complaining and cribbing about other people, about their pain, about how insignificant they feel, comparing their lives with others, drooling over things they believe they can’t have, ultimately asserting how they think it’s not worth it. I have heard them talk about giving up invariably cursing the world they live in. I refuse to believe that these people haven’t had a single instance of joy in their lives.

Come a moment of bliss, the same people forget it like it never happened. Then they would not take the time out to remember their quibbles. Instead, they’d choose to post it as a memory outside of their body as a trophy for others to feel the same way they had been feeling. Then, of course, they forget about it.

Falling back to a pit is a human tendency. People want to stay in it to watch the world from that darkened perspective. I wonder, what’s the cause for it. Maybe we have riveted ourselves to screens for so long, that we have become accustomed to watching life happen from a distance, from a third-person perspective.

If I go on to talk about how one should count their blessings, or how one should remember how the glass is half full, or talk about how they crib about shoes whilst a guy without a foot is trying to stand for the sake of this conversation, I can guarantee that people would walk away. They don’t want to be lectured. The last time I checked their bucket, they have run out of patience.

That’s the thing about advice. After a point of time, it sounds monotonous, and where one used to stop to pay attention, one simply stops paying attention.

If you are having one of those moments, and you are sulking about it, just snap out of that zone almost immediately. Walk towards reality. Be aware!

You are breathing, you are alive. The worst thing that could happen to you is, arguably, death. It is the opposite of what you are right now. Since you are reading this, you are not a corpse…….yet.

When you are alive, a bazillion possibilities are dying for your attention. Divert your focus to something that would please you. Do something that makes sense to you. Every day could be your chance of rebirth, try to remember the things that you had wanted to do when you were a clean slate. Why not do that?

When was the last time you had felt alive? Think of it, chase it.

There is so much loathing and detestation in the world right now, that there isn’t enough love and ardour to even balance it.

Imagine if you were watching earth from a distant planet, and could sense our overall mood meter, what do you think our temperamental graph would average to?

It is almost as if we are jointly asking for our destruction. People asking to be killed, curses in the air, cribbing in their breaths. Hell, if I were the creator, I would get bummed out too, and maybe try to build all over.

We are a project already failed. But why not rectify ourselves, instead of waiting for someone to do it. If they do it, that would mean death. Helloooo!

If you think about it, we are a fairly lucky era of extant workers, for we have stormed into a generation where even hobbies get acknowledged and paid for. Today, we have platforms where people from all across the globe can see what kind of boat you made. They can even communicate with you to help you turn that boat into a plane. It is an age where you can have your wings to fly. What a time to be in!

If you don’t feel inspired right now, your body is probably not at ease. It needs good food, fresh air and rest. If you are not hungry, then sleep. Realign yourself. We are cardinally robots who work best when we are 100% charged.

Every life has ups and downs. It is a sinusoidal graph whether you like it or not. If you think it is bad just for you, it is for at least a billion others. But that thought alone should not make you happy. You are trying to find happiness in someone else’s misery. That’s not good per se.

Try to find it within yourself. Aren’t we responsible for our happiness? Don’t go seeking it into others. You are an independent and worthy soul with a complete capacity and ability to take care of yourself. What is it that is missing? Put that piece into the puzzle. Zero in on it, and finish it!

If that piece would take a lot of time and effort, still go ahead and gradually build onto it. Take that time and work for it, and then complete it. Build little goals toward it, like milestones, and then dance in elation, as you check them off your list one by one. Because remember it will be complete, and it will finish one day no matter how much time it might take, just don’t give up on it. Don’t stop acting towards its fruition.

Just attune your body to good vibes. Come what may enjoy a moment. Crack jokes, smile. It is generally about the overall vibes, and what you are exhuming at all times. Your mood meter should be overall positive every day. The rest of the things will naturally fall into place.

Most important of all, this feeling you feel right now is a fleeting expression. It is temporary. It will fade away and be replaced with a smile within a few hours. I guarantee you. If you don’t believe me, just be conscious and remember the exact point where you smiled. Now hold onto it for a little longer, then a little longer. A little longer with that smile is all you need to reach that finish line.

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