Atomic Habits Book Review – James Clear

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Such a useful self-help book! I applied a lot of things that were in the book to my life and was able to build many effectual habits out of my sluggish routine within no time.

There are things in the book that you are already aware of, but those are the exact things that you don’t work on. In a way, this book calls upon you to do the right thing, by allowing you to pinpoint your bad habits, by making them harder to pursue, while at the same time making good habits rewarding so that you inadvertently go after them.

Atomic Habits is divided into chapters with many subsections that dive deeper with examples to help you build a great habit and get rid of the bad ones. There is a chapter summary at the end of every chapter that helps you to revisit what you have learned.

There are source material references that will help you guide through the sojourn of change if you choose to follow it. It eliminates lethargy if you are willing to fight, and inspires you to be a better person.

Plenty of real-world examples with 100% working solutions are strewn all across the book. If you are planning to upgrade yourself to a better version, Atomic Habits carries a recipe for self-transformation with tips and tricks that you never paid attention to.

A highly recommended read for self-introspection.

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