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Tag Archives: short stories by scottshak

god's hand around a bulb creative photograph for scottshak's short story

The Question

The ailing boy turned restlessly in his bed. The darkness of the room felt heavy. Thoughts of his past sufferings returned. He had been subjected to so many body scans that he had lost count of them. Thousands of needles had pierced him. Injections—once his

children playing near lake

Summer Days

There was a reason why Shyla loved summers. It was only during the summer break that she could be with her distant cousins who would arrive in Channipur to spend their holidays. It was only during their time in the village that the otherwise dull

My Hospital Room image for One Tumor Less short story

One Tumor Less

I woke up to a parched throat, and mumbled, “Wwwattteerr!” I realized I was unable to convey my request forward for my mouth felt paralyzed. I shouted at the top of my lungs but the nurses still couldn’t understand. “Wwwwaaabbbeeerrrr!” They looked at each other

caroline hernandez image for au revoir short story by scottshak

Au Revoir – A Short Story

“I am leaving!”, Chara announced solemnly. “For real this time!” The 4-year-old waited at the door for someone to respond. When no one budged, she continued, “And I am not coming back!” No acknowledgement. Nobody seemed to care. She waited patiently with her ears wide