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Tag Archives: scottshak

the philosopher's lullaby sleeping

The Philosopher’s Lullaby

Do you go to bed to eat your day? To make your misery go away? Or because your eyelids fall Whenever you try to stay awake? Are you waiting for a point in time To snooze yourself till you reach there? But all the unpleasantness

Image of an Antique Watch Deja Vu

Deja Vu

I woke up with a start. Images from my dream, still fresh, wizened gradually like mist, as I came to my senses. “Hadn’t I witnessed an accident? Wasn’t I driving? Where was I?” Those memories began to fade as I looked up at the clock.

songs of a ruin book

Songs of a Ruin – My First Book

Songs of a Ruin stays immensely hallowed in my head. The reason being, every time I sat to jot a poem, it always reflected my purest form of emotion. I would be drenched completely in my thoughts, feeling every morsel of pain, love, despair and the