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Tag Archives: short horror film

Ansh short horror film poster

Ansh – A Short Horror Film

This one is a perfect paragon of an impromptu creation. I was at my friend’s house when his sister walked in with a small broken toy of a baby. She swayed it in front of us humming an eerie music, when I realized, “Hey we

Sleepover Short Film Cover A Fat Story Horror

Sleepover – A Fat Story | A Short Horror Film

Sleepover short film was imagined in an entirely different setup contrary to the place where it was shot. The backdrop happened in an impromptu manner. Nothing was set up, nothing prepped up beforehand. I was low on resources, as I decided to shoot it with my

Staircase a short horror film poster

Staircase – A Short Horror Film

The second horror film I made is one of The Darkest Blog‘s story called “Staircase”. This time I had better cameras to work with, a proper script to helm and better music to use. The plot is about a friend zoned guy who wishes to

The Laundry Bag Cover image

The Laundry Bag – A Short Horror Film

I have ventured into the world of creating films. Direction and screenwriting has always fascinated me, probably why I am a diehard cinephile. You would know that if you know me well. If I am nowhere to be found I would probably be in a