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Tag Archives: scottshak poetry

my nani photo


क्या पता कैसी थी वो ?अब तो सदियों पुरानी होगी,कैसा था चेहरा ?कैसी थी आँखें ?और कैसी मुस्कान ?कभी देखा ही नही,तो क्या समझूँ कैसी थी वो ? भूल गयी हूँ चेहरा उनकाकहती अक्सर माँ,बचपन में ही खो दिया था,तो क्या समझाऊं कैसी थी वो

Sandcastles poem by scottshak


All that I buildOn the shore,They don’t holdFor waves come crashing;I don’t mindFor they wash my feet,Preach to be boldAnd tell meHow the water is cold.They teach me howNothing would hold,By smashing my castlesAnd soaking my coat,Train me to try againAnd again if again fails.Praise

inside of a well image

कुएँ का मेंढक

कुँए का मेंढकक्या तू जानेदुनिया कितनी गोल रेघर के अंदरसब है सीधाबाहर सब अनमोल रे | तुझे लगता हैसब सीमित हैआशाओं के किले मेंबाहर की दुनियातो लगतीमनोरथ के जिले में | आकाश समंदरसब है नीलेफिर क्यों जानु रंग मैंकिस्मत हो जबमेरी कालीक्यों न पकड़ूँ पलंग

Light Effects on Environment

City Lights

Receding life,Night time,Go back to the darkWhere you came from.Put on the lightsFor you can’t seeYour murky alleyOf crimesYou commitEvery day –Deeds you didOn a wild hunch,Just so you could haveYour morning brunchOver a graveyard of corpses.Land of the faunaIs defeated,Trampled down,By human greed.Your home

cover by rachel baran for Birthdays and Deathnights poem by scottshak

BirthDays and DeathNights

Yes, world!Make me feel special for a day!Then forget me,Like you always forget peopleWhen you don’t see them every day.You move onFrom one present to another,So do I,But with a birthday hat,And a pooper,That I always bringTo my own party.How badly do I seekThe need

where is the love scottshak poem

Where is the Love?

Picking you up,Peeling you down,Pulling your insides out,Peeking through every holeTo see everything insideThat jumps around,Where is the love?They often talk about,That lifts you upAnd smacks you down,And giggles a peal of laughter out,And makes you smileWhen you are trying to not,And you are thinking

the philosopher's lullaby sleeping

The Philosopher’s Lullaby

Do you go to bed to eat your day? To make your misery go away? Or because your eyelids fall Whenever you try to stay awake? Are you waiting for a point in time To snooze yourself till you reach there? But all the unpleasantness

pair of insane eyes image

Insane Eyes

Eyes of glory, Eyes with a story, You hold my gaze with reflections of a star; I think they are diamonds you wear for eyes. If you hadn’t turned around for a furtive glance, I might have failed to notice your eyes looking into mine,