Children of Now

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We are the children of now,
Written in impatience.
We can’t wait for a day to come;
That day might never come.
Tomorrows will be todays someday,
Let’s not waste another day
And get it done right away.
If you wish to save some,
You can go ahead and pave one
Path for yourself,
I would rather choose to stay
In my daily day,
And eat all my favourite fruits
Without their seeds of tomorrow;
I might die today,
Every bullet out there
Has my name on it;
I step out,
I might not step back in,
Then there would be no one to say
How good were they
Coz they sat there on the table untouched,
Or in a closet unseen,
Untended by scrawny beings,
Who chose misery over a lovely dream.
Ah, the pretty things they bring!
If we only take it out there
For everybody to share,
We might not have a future to care.
What’s there to worry?
We will have a day again
Like every other day that goes in pain,
We are to pass that way
And never return.
Why then peel away our contented face?
This is our one and only place.
I wish to be saved from my old self,
Whom I might become;
One of you sick dudes!
Who waited an age
For their smile to come,
Which didn’t feel the same
When at last it came.
I fear that I might become you,
Who would know then everything
There is to know
And then there is nothing more to learn.
I want you to know,
I want things now,
I want to know now,
For I might not remain a child this young
Who knows how to surf
While there’s water in the sea –
Brittle bones are afraid to swim.

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