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All posts by Scottshak

samosa poem in hindi


ए समोसे!उधर अकेले क्यों खड़ा है?आज फिर से आलू खा कर तेरा पेट बड़ा है।जरा इधर भी तो आ,वह आलू हमें भी तो चखा!पापी तो बस पेट है, हमने थोड़ी ही कोई पाप किया है,पापी तो तू है, जो सामने आ कर भी अपनी ज़िद

rumali roti roomali roti poem by scottshak

रुमाली रोटी

“रुमाली रोटी! आज फिर तेरी याद आयी रे!” मन अचरज में पड़ाकी इतनी पतली हो कर भी तू कैसे भर देती पेट मेरा?रूमाल की हरकतें देख कर है तेरा नाम पड़ा, कई बार तो मैं धोखा खा कर जेब में तुझे ले चल पड़ा। न

still shot of a banana creative photography

The Dying Son

When a flower wilts,It hurts the bee,So does it bother the thirsty,When the last drop of the river dries,Oars are no longer worthy,Does the boat forget its journey?Does the plant remember its child?Or the bee forgets to rueThe loss of a good thing in its

old locked door creative photo for scottshak's poem

घर न जा परिंदे

घर न जा परिंदे वहाँ ताला है बदला, तेरी चाबी से अब न खुलेगा,वापस कहाँ जाएगा?इतने दिनों तू था एक अजनबी, अब तुझे क्यों कोई गले लगाएगा?जिस युद्ध में था तू डूबा,वहाँ जाने से तुझे था रोका ,तू फिर भी लड़ने था दौड़ाकी तेरा रक्त

missing creative photo for scottshak's poem

Miss Communication

I often miss our communication,When we would speak so muchThat the world would evanesce,When we would hold each other’s gazeFor so longIt would unveil our longingTo be with each otherSo closeThat our breaths would mingleAnd fail to make out Yours from mine.What’s mine is yours,What’s

writing a letter scottshak musings

Forgotten Letters

The world becoming smaller isn’t exactly a good thing. It has taken a lot of good old stuff from us. I hate how letters have gone extinct. Weren’t they a product of immense yearning? You wouldn’t waste it with your regular small talk. In a

sad pic for scottshak's hindi poem

मैं यहीं ठीक हूँ

जब तुम ठहरे हो एक कगार पर,कि अब टूटे की तब टूटे,जहाँ टूटने के सिवा और कुछ न कभी होता,इंतज़ार के चौखट पर शायद ही मन कभी सोता,तो क्या फ़ायदा हथेलियों का? जब रेत रोके न रुके, जब हर सोच हो बिखरने की, रास्ता हो

chess reflection image for scottshak's musing

Player Two

Gaming has been a big chunk of my life so much that I always return to it. If I mull over the why, the only thing that makes sense to me is that maybe it takes me to a different world. The bizarre possibilities of

Karmic Vessel image for scottshak article

Karmic Vessel

Think about it, the only thing that makes sense of one’s fate is the concept of Karma. Otherwise, why would a child die at a very young age? What’s he punished for? Or why do two people born in the same circumstances experience life very

image used for scottshak's poem the boogeyman hour

The Boogeyman Hour

Why I hate to fightIs not the hurt,It is actually the aftermathWhen she pulls herself under a shellAnd struggles to trust me again.I was a monsterSome unfortunate minutes ago,It is so difficult to convinceThat I am not the same man,I was merely at my lowest